Search results

  1. 1337m4723

    Spare parts for oil leakage

    Hi guys, long time no see...Hope you are all well and healthy. I've had a pretty lively year. After we got married, our landlord kicked us out of the flat because of a "notice of owner need" (we have a wonderful word for it in German: Eigenbedarfskündigung) and we had to look for a new place...
  2. 1337m4723

    Aspen 1977 Super Six vacuum issues

    Hi Guys, I am back again needing some answers. My Super Six has some issues containing the carburetor and the vacuum system. My first question is if I am thinking correctly: when the engine is cold and I am driving, it often dies recently. I could recreate the problem yesterday, but only...
  3. 1337m4723

    Problems with turn switch cancelling cam on Dodge Aspen 1977

    Dear all, I haven't posted here for a longer period... I was really busy with a lot of stuff on my job and our second oldtimer. (My fiancee bought a Chevy Blazer from 1976 and it is/was a lot of work on this) My Aspen is functioning pretty nice!! (you helped me A LOT with my questions about...
  4. 1337m4723

    Torsion-Bar nightmare

    Hi guys, it's the german guy again. I was so happy when I arrived today at the barn where me and my dad are preparing my Aspen for german TÜV. The happiness is gone now I cann tell you. I ordered the torsion-bar bushings at PolyBushing. Both sets. Now we tried to remove the bars and the...
  5. 1337m4723

    Problems with Parking Brake Strut

    Hello guys, my dad and me are fixing my 77 Aspen 225cui SE Woody-Wagon at the moment (pictures to find in the hello-section) and reached a severe point while repairing the rear drumbrakes. The parking brake didn't work before, and after installing a complete repair-kit for the brake and the...
  6. 1337m4723

    Introducing New Member: 1337m4723

    Location: Hanover Germany