Dodge Aspen R/T 318
Active Member
Hello all, Jim here..Pulled the 318 out of the 78 Aspen today and the 360 is going in this coming new week..The 360 is semi built roughly 375/400 horse, priced an aluminum radiator, 1 row with cooling fan 1,400 bucks, with out fans 880 bucks, cant imagine what a 4 row would cost..I’m installing a new higher flow aluminum water pump before I install the 360..The stock replacement radiator is 450 bucks..I’m not going to the drag strip, I’m not running the engine at high RPMs, car will only go out a couple of times a week up and down Main Street and occasionally will get on it once in a while..My question is will the stock radiator with the way I’m going to drive the car be good enough to keep the engine running cool..The 318 that was in the car had a 6 cylinder radiator the temperature ran a cool 160/170 degrees..What do you guys think about the stock replacement radiator for the 360, your advice is very much appreciated…thanks, Jim..