I got a crap load of leaves and muck. Lost power for 40 minutes. My ups battery died in 10 minutes- so need a need 12volt gel. One of my other crazy passions other than mopars and music, is cutting trees/ pruning. I was pro active in cutting back all my trees over the years to prevent any from falling onto my house or other stuff. I go real redneck too. I'll climb 40 to 50 feet up with a power saw- sometimes, but usually just me and a handsaw. I cleared my back yard of something like 30 small trees (6inch diameter to 30inch dia trunks). This way, I've got plenty of room for parts cars and projects. I still have plenty of woods behind me, but a good 120 feet back from the house. So I'm off today to put the canopy back on my car tent and inspect for other crap from the storm. There were definitely some folks not to far from me who got much worse then I did and wish them well. Anyone needed some sawing or know anyone who does, just let me know and I'll take a ride like I said- I dig cutting timber.