New Years resolutions

My imp

Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2012
Reaction score
Brunswick, Ohio
I hear that if you tell someone your resolution, it won't come true. I hope not. Since the invention of political correctness, I, & many others have altered the way we speak, act, & think. This has done nothing but confuse, alienate, & turn people off. The Barney Fife's of the world have taken over! The laws on nature no longer apply. Now all you have to do to get your own way is hire a lawyer, sue somebody's ass off, & write a law! We have little rights left, & we're loosing more by the day. What ended up being a long tirade (of which I plead guilty) about some of us sounding like those we were talking about is an example of PC. Back in the day, it would've been one sentence. "I/You/We sound like a bunch of bitches!". See how easy it used to be? I find myself offering apologies & disclaimers before I ever make a statement. This does nothing but bore, confuse, or piss people off! Not that we need to revert to Neanderthal days or anything, but let's face it, we're a dying breed. Now one persons agenda today, becomes tomorrow's law & there isn't a damn thing you can do about it! I wish a day would come when I didn't have to ponder every word that came out of my mouth for fear of what some limp wristed a-hole decides that my level of sensitivity towards him really sucks, & that how offended they are, & I'll see you in court. So just get ready to sign everything over to me that you worked your entire life for, because you said the word.......... Fill in the blank!

Jack Meoff

Mopar Maniac
Jan 29, 2012
Reaction score
Hogtown, Ontario
Much to the sometimes dismay of my wife I say pretty much what I want.
To hell with political correctness. All the latte sipping metrosexual neutered males can chomp a salty mars bar as far as I'm concerned.
I say Merry Christmas not happy holidays, etc.
My new years resolution I guess is to continue the tradition of being a no BS, call it as I see it guy.....I'm turning 50 in April....I see no reason to change my ways now.