Jack Meoff

Mopar Maniac
Jan 29, 2012
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Hogtown, Ontario
You have cows?
I love cows.
Especially with gravy.

Killer work so far. It's awesome to see another one get saved.

David Clark

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2016
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Buffalo, SD
Yeah, we have a small 40 acre Mini Farm/Ranch up here (can't afford any more land than that) to become a bit more self Sufficient. Got Cows, Piggies, and Chickens right now. Starting from scratch unlike everyone else up here that all inherited their land and equipment. Been Raising the Pigs as a sort of side income thingy. The Cows we are raising for OUR freezer and not to make any money on but who knows, that might change as we are still breeding them to build up our small herd but our 40 acres can only support so many cows and buying Hay isn't friggin cheap up here (sometimes upwards of 100-120 a ton). We lease 220 acres on the north side of our fence line and then sublease it to another couple that is trying to make money with their cows in exchange they give us a Calf each year, and supply the Rented Bull to get our Heifers Pregnant. We have 7 Cattle Right now, 3 of which are preggo from last year, and this year around May when they give birth and we get our calf from our lessor's, we'll have 11 Cows. We'll be selling a couple of them once old enough and weened probably.


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Aug 7, 2015
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North Texas
David and his Wife...

He he ... its what I feel like living out here on my acreage.

David Clark

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2016
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Buffalo, SD
AHHAHAHAHAHAAH, yeah But I am scruffier with the Full Beard and Stach and Pot Belly.

Green Tractor is a 61 JD 3010 that we got to replace the 63 Yellow JD, the yellow one blew it's motor and I need to get the backhoe off it and onto the Green one so I can dig another stock pond or two. This Damn body of mine doesn't want to cooperate anymore. Have had 6 Surgeries in the Past year and a half (thankfully all covered by the VA) but now my body feels like it's 80 yrs old most of the time instead of 44 this year like it should.

Thanks for the Laugh, I needed it LOL.
--- Post updated ---
Well, I am still trudging away at this. Got all the Old pan out now. Got the Diff Fluid changed out and about 10 extra gaskets for the diff too as Rockauto was having a clearance on them for .89 each. Got the Air Shocks Put on (yes I know the hazards of Air Shocks). I cut some off of the New/Use Pan so it will fit through the Trunk to put in. Not a lot of it but enough to where it will fit and still not compromise structural integrity (really didn't want to cut it in half and reweld it). Still have a tad bit more cleaning up on it to do with the torch but the wind up here has been horrendous and not been letting me use the torch lately. Then I can get it welded in.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2015
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North Texas
Speaking on behalf of those of us who frequently are under burn bans, thank you for not welding during high winds.

David Clark

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2016
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Buffalo, SD
If by some chance I am Forced to Weld or Cut during winds, I usually saturate the hell out of the ground before doing so and make sure I have a Fire Watcher with me at all times. Fire is no joke, especially up here with all the Dry Prairie Grasses and thousands of Acres that can Catch in a heartbeat.
--- Post updated ---
GORGEOUS Out today, after 4 weeks of nothing but wind. UGH. Gonna Try and get that Trunk Pan Welded in today and possibly start getting the destroyed Front header off the 5th Ave today and see what all it's gonna need. The 5th will be a slow going project as I can probably only afford one part at a time till we get one or two more bills paid off.

When i pulled that old Fuel Tank off the Aspen, there was a sheet of that Shredded Blue Jeans Insulation crap between it and the old trunk pan. It was Soaked with water and Shot, came off in pieces. Bear in Mind that I have to order most of my parts online or Drive 80 miles or so to get them, is there anything I can use to replace this stuff I might have around the house?? I have some of that Sheets of Foam that people use to pack things in, can I fold up a couple pieces of that to put between the tank and the trunk pan?? I'm told it's just kind of like a Vibration damper thingy to keep the fuel tank and trunk pan from making metal to metal contact and vibrating.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2015
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North Texas
okay - you left yourself wiiiiiiiddddddeee open for a vibrator comment but I won't go there ....
I could take a shot at the very professional reference to a 'thingy' but I use that phrase when talking to the parts guys , so I won't go there either

So if you are looking for vibration dampening and what came out was essentially insulation then the only concern I'd have with the 'have-on-hand' packing foam is whether it is closed cell or open cell. I would just about bet it is open cell (holds water) rather than closed cell (does not hold water).

Water and metal aren't a great combination and perhaps that 'jeans material' contributed to the trunk rot. Do you have any spray foam, low expansion, like you use around windows or doors? I'd try putting round spots of it between the two pieces of metal. In other words, make sure there is a path for water to drain.

If you have any truck bed liner spray laying around from a previous project, you could coat it with that. But I'm guessing a partial can wouldn't hold enough.

If you want to put instulation back in it, I would think you could use regular house insulation. Separate your r19 or r30 (whatever you are using) and lay that in there.

I bought more than enough fiberglass batting in a roll that is a radiant barrier so I have something I could use. Although, getting it from Texas to South Dakota would be a nice trick.

Takeaway ... I, personally, would not use open cell foam as a dampener.


Staff member
Mar 4, 2012
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Oklahoma City
Back in the 40’s, Chrysler used paper/cardboard.

It is only used to keep the tank top/body from rubbing metal to metal. The tank (should be) grounded with the mounting straps, so static shouldn’t be an issue.

I would think anything that can prevent metal on metal contact could be used. The paper/cardboard, is not a good long term solution, though.

If you don’t have a template, then what ever material you use, you can use the old tank to know where to cut at.


David Clark

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2016
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Buffalo, SD
Vibrator Comment Huh.... AHAHAHAHAHA, Dysfunctional Veteran Here, I can take it LOL.

Yeah it's that open cell stuff that I have, but hell, the stuff I pulled out of there wasn't any better, And now that I think about it, it was that Cardboard looking CRAP and not the Jeans stuff. This New Fuel tank looks as if it has a coating on it of some kind (Doesn't feel like sheetmetal and it's kinda Glossy Grey).

I do have some of that Roll On Bedliner stuff that I was going to Coat the Fuel Tank with but now not sure as like I said, looks like it has a coating on it. I also noticed when I pulled the old Fall apart tank off, the Straps had a rubber strip between them and the tank, I have some old Inner Tubes I can use for that.

Got everything ready to go and as soon as the kid is home from school I'll get to welding that Trunk pan in. Since I trimmed it a bit to fit in through the Trunk instead of cutting it in half, I'll have to get some more sheet metal soon and rebuild the sections I had to cut off, just some smaller sections since I am not doing a full blown restore on this (Can't afford that).

F body Deconstructor Jim

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2011
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Phoenix, AZ
Roofing felt doubled up makes a good replacement.

Yup...roofing felt, tar paper, makes an excellent substitute for the original tank/pan isolator material. Pretty much what was used originally, just a different type/thickness.
No need for rubber strips between the tank straps and tank. They did not have anything from the factory.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2015
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North Texas
Well David... this is just for you ....
It would appear from the comments that you have many options to put your 'thingys' together.

And with that,
I bow out... lol


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2015
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You don't get out of this one with that shy innocent look, Becky Sue. You are in for a penny, in for a pound.:)


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2015
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North Texas
wasn't it will rogers who said it best
..."everything is funny as long as it is happening to someone else"


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2015
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North Texas
It means david is providing us with plenty to enjoy...we are just here to make sure he and his thingy don't vibrate too much.... so to speak ... lol

David Clark

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2016
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Buffalo, SD
LOLOL. Will be going into town today, will see what I can find. I thought I still had some roofing Felt out here from the Porch but I guess not.

You all Crack me up.

David Clark

Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2016
Reaction score
Buffalo, SD
Well, last week I got the Trunk pan finally in. It's NOT pretty but it works. Will have some more repair work to do on it eventually in the trunk pan to fix where I shaved some of the Trunk pan off so I could get the trunk pan in through the trunk without cutting it in half. Fuel Tank is on, Filled up, and all the fuel lines replaced. Ran it for about 3 minutes on Saturday off the Fuel Tank instead of the Gas Can. It's been raining ever since so I still have to put the Alternator Back in, Replace both Belts, Starter Relay, ballast Resistor, voltage Regulator and Coil and Find 4 tires for it, or temporarily use the tires and rims off the 5th Ave that will be waiting a while before I can start on that one. Will be a while before I can afford to get it plated but at least I'll be able to drive it around my 40 acres.

FINALLY got the Title for it Yesterday, after almost 2 months of dealing with the State on it. Everything was all Legal and We sent in the Bill of Sale and the South Dakota Title we got from the seller. Got a letter 2 weeks after that saying that another Title For the ASpen Existed in Minnesota and was issued after this guys title that he gave us for it and they wanted THAT title to, to get it out of the system. Turns out, Guy Lost the Title, Called His Sister (Whom he got it from, as she got the Car when their Dad Died) and got a duplicate title for the thing (Instead of Getting a duplicate title for the one HE had issued), then he found the Lost title which was no good anymore thanks to the duplicate Title his Sister got in Minnesota. Sooo, Had to call the That Guy up, see if he Still had that Duplicate Title, which he did, Drive to Rapid City To Pick it up, Which his sister had signed and dated on the Back but he never did anything else with it. Sent that into DMV and then got a letter stating that that STILL wasn't good enough and we needed a Bill of Sale from His sister or an attempt to get a Bill of Sale from her at her Last known address. So we had to send a request for a bill of Sale from her to her last know address in Rapid City (she now lives in Minnesota) via Certified mail and wait for that to come back as Undeliverable, then send that to the DMV for them to make a damn decision on whether they would issue a Title for it or not. This is WHY I always, GET A TITLE PUT IN MY NAME ASAP whenever I get a new vehicle no matter how long it's gonna sit before I get started on it. In the past 5 yrs I have gotten maybe 10 Vehicles in and EVERY damn one of them from Private Sellers up here has Never been put in the People's Name that I am buying them from, They have titles for them, Seller's Information all filled out and Signed but NO DATE put on them, and then people just keep the titles like that, Everything in the Buyers Section Left blank. Annoying to know ends. especially if they do happen to put a DATE on there because up here, it's a 5 Dollar Fine Per month after 30 days if a title is NOT transferred over (Max 50 dollar Fine).

Sooo, just a word of Advice, Check them Titles Good when you buy something used. And Pray to gawd that something like our situation didn't happen to your title. It's not tooo likely anymore as I think all the States are now Uplinked or whatever you want to call it with a National Title registry now and all the DMV's can check Title Status's from each state now. What a pain in the asssssssss to have to deal with people that are too lazy to have a title put in their name, it takes 10 minutes, and up here anyway, costs 5 bucks as you do NOT have to Register it at the time just to get the Title in your name.

Been Raining up here for 4 Days off and on up here so Looks like I still won't get the Aspen Finished today LOL.