Recent content by bremereric

  1. bremereric

    Been awhile! Back to hopefully thin the herd

    Where are you located.
  2. bremereric

    No....I'm Not Dead

    Shoot me an email Ed
  3. bremereric

    Random Pics

    I like my girlfriend's new looks.
  4. bremereric

    Random Pics

    How about her new look!
  5. bremereric

    Random Pics

    Hump day!
  6. bremereric

    The FMJ Weather Channel

    44 this morning with great sun and a high of 80.
  7. bremereric

    No....I'm Not Dead

    Yes to a long bullshit marriage. If you would pick up your phone I would give the bloody details.
  8. bremereric

    No....I'm Not Dead

    Ed you need one of these.
  9. bremereric

    The FMJ Weather Channel

    Nice dry cool front came through. 52 degrees this morning and 73 for the high today.
  10. bremereric

    Pumpkin Run

    How about a pumpkin sling shot?
  11. bremereric

    Random Pics

    How about this one to add to the heard.
  12. bremereric

    Happy 53rd Birthday bremereric! (5th of October)

    My pants are 30 X 34 now and my shirt size is medium. This shirt keeps you warm and cool. Can you believe the X ain't digging it?
  13. bremereric

    Happy 53rd Birthday bremereric! (5th of October)

    Check out my new birthday body. My Asian babes are loving it.