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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2021
Reaction score
Salem, OH
I communicated with my mechanic and he's hoping to get my 5th over to his place to finish up the work on the car, that was some good news, so I took to it and did some work on it myself that is unrelated to what he's doing. Removed the valve covers to re-replace the gaskets and replaced the old brittle pcv valve and breather grommets, got that done last weekend. Today I installed a lock cylinder to replace the one missing in the first place, best part was having to replace the nylon screw retainers for the Pentastar trunk lid ornament and hold the nylon piece in place, while also holding the pentastar open while using the screwdriver to screw in the screws. All finished.

I replaced the 2 low beam headlamps and was going to go with Octane Lighting's LED's, but they were just a tad too big for the retainer ring for a proper fit, literally just a hair too big, so I sent those back and opted for Phillips Crystal Vision Ultras. The Octanes look nice and were glass sealed. It was a disappointment that the rings didn't fit, but at least now this car is coming together and now I'm hopeful again to have it road worthy before Fall.