Cruise and the weather


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2015
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Rib Mountain, WI
Yesterday was the huge cruise (avg 800 cars if the weather is good) down in Wisconsin Rapids. It didn't rain a drop for over a month but now it wants to rain almost every afternoon and yesterday was no exception. Every year since I had my car done so I could go (2013), it's rained or there was some other reason beyond my control that I had to miss it. A couple years ago it was a stolen Ferrari that crashed on the interstate while being chased by the cops. Caused a huge traffic jam (didn't move an inch for over an hour while they cleaned it all up) that made it impossible to get there on time. The year before that I was all set to go and the closer it got to the time to leave, the sicker I got until it was obvious the only place I was going was the couch, and the other years, like this one, it rained/stormed. Thought I might go down to the show they have today and guess what,,,,,,,,,,,,,,it's raining with a high chance of t-storms later on.:mad: Grumble, whine, frown, moan.

Just to twist the knife, take a guess what the forecast shows, at this point, for next Saturday. Yep, low 80's and partly cloudy,,,,,,,,,,,,no rain. Figures............................:(

OK, all done whining now. It didn't help me feel any better but that's life I guess.:D

volare 77

Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2014
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Rain has put a damper on many car shows around my way that I wanted to attend. It is one of those years where it rains almost every weekend it seems.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2015
Reaction score
Rib Mountain, WI
That's the way it's been here for the past 4 or 5 years. This year seemed to be different, and it was. Almost an exact opposite where it never rained, until a few days ago.
A couple years ago, literally every single show or cruise was rained out. The one show that had a rain date, got rained out on the rain date also.

Unfortunately, there really aren't that many shows around here for some reason. By "around here" I mean within a 50 mile radius. The only cruise I know of is the one I missed yesterday, and it's 50 mile away. There is a cruise-in every third Thursday of the month down in Plover (roughly 30 miles south on the intercoarse) but it runs from 4:30-6pm and even if I left right from work, which puts me 15 miles closer than I am here at home, by the time I got there, it'd pretty much be over.

Oddly, there's thousands of "cars" in the area but you never see them except at a show. Then they appear out of the woodwork almost like magic. The metro area is about 105,000 people, yet there's maybe 2 or 3 shows held. I know, I know, "why don't you get some people together and organize a show"? Well, I have no idea where to even start and don't have the time or connections to even begin such a thing. Oh well............:confused:

volare 77

Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2014
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Now wishing for the balance of summer and fall to be a dry one. At least on the weekends. LOL