Well-Known Member
Just a long rant to see if anyone else has run into this...
Son's Volare's left front caliper siezed up while driving....
No big deal....good time to do a hose/caliper/pad swap on both sides.
Of course no one has the parts in stock anymore, so we waited for Autozone to came yesterday, we earmarked today to do the job.
Played the musical car game so we could work on her in the garage....
Left front went goodly til we tried to replace the hose.....of course it was galded to the line fitting....and the fitting rounded off.....soooooo.......pulled the line off the distro block.....took a break so kiddo could run down and pickup a 12" piece of NiCu line , preflared etc....hand bent it.....
I figured that would be the hardest part.
So putting the left house on the caliper we found we could NOT get that SOB to seal.....the calipers came with brand new banjo bolts (different style than orig) and copper washers....we cranked and cranked, no good. Then I got down on my back (ugh) and watched the leak....
Turns out the copper washers they provided were too big for the casting's washer indentation, creating a leak behind the block.
COOL! Easy fix....replace the washers with the smaller washers provided with the hose.....
THOSE washers were too small ID to fit the banjo bolts provided with the hose!
So we ended up using a couple of extra copper ones I had from brake jobs years perfect.
STILL leaks....
We finally say screw it and crank more....leak stopped.
OK...on to the easy right side.....brake line came right out of the hose, no issues, no leaks yet....
Get every thing put together.....Hooked up the pressure bleeder, pumped to 15 lbs......makes it leaks anywhere...WOOHOO!!!!.....started bleeding, get the rears done and moved to the front right.
Mind you, no leaks from there up to now.
We bleed the caliper and are ready to move on to the front left, put the wheels on , test drive and then go for pizza.
DAMN BLEEDER WOULDNT STOP LEAKING on that right front!!!!! THRU the bleeder, not the threads around it.
Pulled the bleeder screw and a major indentation was cut into's white metal.....not sure if its steel or aluminum or what......
Replaced it with a brass bleeder screw from an old spare caliper for my Cuda that seems to have the same dimensions in the important areas.........STILL WONT SEAL!!!!!!
So I figure there is something wrong with the casting on that caliper, down in the bleeder hole......figured we will slap the old caliper on so the system wont bleed out overnight.....and be done for now.
We ended up putting the old hose and caliper back together and suspending the caliper for now.
Car will be on jacks til at least Tueaday when a new caliper can arrive.
I have never in all my years had a bleeder act like that....nor found BOTH calipers wiuth sealing/mounting issues.
IF were were only replacing hoses, we would have been screwed since the new hoses do not fit the old calipers.
Not happy that we wasted hours chasing issues with BRAND NEW PARTS!!!!!
I was blaiming "cheap ass chineese crap!"....But......The parts boxes say "made in mexico"
Well, I sure hope the new caliper isnt a problem. Will have to wait 3-4 days to find out! Ties up my garage and leaves the son without his hot rod!!!! UGH!
Son's Volare's left front caliper siezed up while driving....
No big deal....good time to do a hose/caliper/pad swap on both sides.
Of course no one has the parts in stock anymore, so we waited for Autozone to came yesterday, we earmarked today to do the job.
Played the musical car game so we could work on her in the garage....
Left front went goodly til we tried to replace the hose.....of course it was galded to the line fitting....and the fitting rounded off.....soooooo.......pulled the line off the distro block.....took a break so kiddo could run down and pickup a 12" piece of NiCu line , preflared etc....hand bent it.....
I figured that would be the hardest part.
So putting the left house on the caliper we found we could NOT get that SOB to seal.....the calipers came with brand new banjo bolts (different style than orig) and copper washers....we cranked and cranked, no good. Then I got down on my back (ugh) and watched the leak....
Turns out the copper washers they provided were too big for the casting's washer indentation, creating a leak behind the block.
COOL! Easy fix....replace the washers with the smaller washers provided with the hose.....
THOSE washers were too small ID to fit the banjo bolts provided with the hose!
So we ended up using a couple of extra copper ones I had from brake jobs years perfect.
STILL leaks....
We finally say screw it and crank more....leak stopped.
OK...on to the easy right side.....brake line came right out of the hose, no issues, no leaks yet....
Get every thing put together.....Hooked up the pressure bleeder, pumped to 15 lbs......makes it leaks anywhere...WOOHOO!!!!.....started bleeding, get the rears done and moved to the front right.
Mind you, no leaks from there up to now.
We bleed the caliper and are ready to move on to the front left, put the wheels on , test drive and then go for pizza.
DAMN BLEEDER WOULDNT STOP LEAKING on that right front!!!!! THRU the bleeder, not the threads around it.
Pulled the bleeder screw and a major indentation was cut into's white metal.....not sure if its steel or aluminum or what......
Replaced it with a brass bleeder screw from an old spare caliper for my Cuda that seems to have the same dimensions in the important areas.........STILL WONT SEAL!!!!!!
So I figure there is something wrong with the casting on that caliper, down in the bleeder hole......figured we will slap the old caliper on so the system wont bleed out overnight.....and be done for now.
We ended up putting the old hose and caliper back together and suspending the caliper for now.
Car will be on jacks til at least Tueaday when a new caliper can arrive.
I have never in all my years had a bleeder act like that....nor found BOTH calipers wiuth sealing/mounting issues.
IF were were only replacing hoses, we would have been screwed since the new hoses do not fit the old calipers.
Not happy that we wasted hours chasing issues with BRAND NEW PARTS!!!!!
I was blaiming "cheap ass chineese crap!"....But......The parts boxes say "made in mexico"
Well, I sure hope the new caliper isnt a problem. Will have to wait 3-4 days to find out! Ties up my garage and leaves the son without his hot rod!!!! UGH!