Make any Mopar restoration or leaf spring replacement complete with PST’s new line of leaf spring hangers and reinforcement plates. Why fight with your old and rusted spring hangers? Save time, money, and your knuckles with our OEM fit spring hangers that are made from heavy duty steel sporting a zinc finish that will last for years of road use and abuse. These hangers and studs are made to factory spec to guarantee a perfect fit every time. To round out your install we also have available reinforcement plates that are normally only seen on factory Hemi vehicles. These will spread the stress of your high horse power Mopars and give you the assurance and security that springs will stay put. Call today or check them out at WWW.P-S-T.COM.
Available for:
· A Bodies 1965-76 (5/8” Eye Bolt)
· B Bodies Plymouth 1964-72(1964-65 21" Spring)(1966-72 22” Springs), Dodge 1966-72 (1971-72 22” Springs)
· C Bodies 1965-73
· E Bodies 1970-74
· FMJ Bodies
Reinforcement Plates for A,B, & E
PST 1-800-247-2288 or visit us at WWW.PST.COM
James From
PST Marketing
Ext 316
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