Rebuilt or remanufactured alternators, starters, transmissions and so forth – I have had very few problems with.
On the other hand, Rebuilt or reman carburetors – I stay very far from and they will be a source of a long list of problems.
The reason is internal parts. Most carburetor rebuilders will rebuild 50 to 100 units at a time. They take 'em apart and toss the all of each similar part into a bucket. Get those parts cleaned, replated (or whatever), then reassemble from whatever they grab from the appropriate bucket.
The problem is things like jet size, correct linkages, and so forth. The BBD, for example, could have one of 30 different size jets in it, and sometimes a different size jet on left vs. right side. You put /6 jets into a 318 BBD and you might to see what I'm talking about.
I have also seen cases where the wrong base plate was installed and the gasket didn't cover all of the holes to main body.
Now with that said, I see absolutely no problem giving a carburetor to a rebuilder – who will rebuild your existing carburetor and who will only replace needed parts (with correct ones). In that case, you will most likely get a good job once done.
It is the company's who rebuild in mass (ie: end product comes in a box) who causes all of the problems.
The Holley 2280 and 6280 are the same carburetor – if you don't consider the computer control parts (2280 is not computer controlled and all 6280 are computer controlled). The Carter BBD is compatible to the 2280/6280 and comes in both computer controlled, or not. I HIGHLY prefer the Carter BBD over the Holley version, but that is me.
Carter went out of business in 1984, so all '85's (and newer) used Holley (or Rochester Quadrajet).
With that said, there is a (yikes) Chinese company making NEW BBD knockoffs – that so far (my experience only) they seam to be a decent unit. You can find these on eBay and other locations at a price that is not too hard on the pocketbook. Be sure to get one for a Dodge in either 318 or /6 (they are different) and approximate year of yours.
My '86 Fifth Ave is computer controlled, but the (yikes) Chinese knockoff BBD (non-computer controlled) for a '77 318 (one of the best years, IMO, in non-Lean Burn) and car is working fine. The Lean Burn computer is adjusting the carburetor like it normally does, meanwhile the carburetor is completely ignoring the computer (not even talking to each other). All is fine. The computer is still controlling the ignition system (for now) and hasn't complained once.
Minor details: The choke thermostat is different between the 2280/6280 and BBD (different length rod) and one (or two) ports are in different location (not hard to fix either). Just don't use a BBD choke thermostat on a 2260 or vice versa. IMO, it is a good idea to change choke thermostats every 10 or so years, for best choke operation.
Carter BBD (Hightop version - which is used on all '76-84 FMJ's)
Holley 2280/6280 ('85-89 M-body). The 2280 is shown.