Tubular Exhause Header Refurb, How, and is it worth it?


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2012
Reaction score
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

In my recent encounter with a pick and pull 1982 Cordoba, a header set was left behind. I took a chance after inspecting them for leaks, and now have them home. They are, of course, rusted. They do have dents on the passenger side (I assume for clearance), but are pretty decent looking long tube headers. My question is regarding cleaning the rust off if possible (rust remover gel, sandblasting, or ?), and what would I paint/coat them with? Eastwood says they have "ceramic" exhaust header coatings, but I tend to look at anything from Eastwood with a little bit (ok, a lot) of skepticism. I suppose I should have asked the member's opinions as to whether this is actually worth it. They did come off this Cordoba (the driver's side header had the drag link going through the space between the rear tube and the other three on that side), and like I said they don't look like they have any holes, but I suppose I should clean off the rust and re-inspect them. I'd appreciate any thoughts on either idea.


P.S. This is the same Cordoba that I posted the rear end caps being for sale about, so it was a 1973 340 4 Barrel engine in it that was taken out before I even knew the car was in the yard.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2011
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Beaver Dams, NY
Depending on the price you got 'em for...

Sandblasting would be my preferred method, if anything to clean 'em up and take a good look at 'em. I've never used Eastwood's coatings for headers, so I can't tell you yea or nay on it, but is it really worth coating 'em to begin with? Yeah, I know, it's a bitch to swap out headers when one rusts through, but unless you pay big dollars for an actually thermo-coating on 'em that's gonna be a concern anyway.