AI Porn is a Pitiful Disappointment


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2015
Reaction score
North Texas
Every evening after I finish the sterile dressing change for my husband, I have about 40 minutes of personal, quiet down time after I've got him to bed.
I catch up on my emails, phone texts, get the animals setup with water and food for the next day, put my feet up and have a few minutes I can read, crochet, or just veg.

Last night just before midnight, I'm sitting in my chair thinking about what I have to get done before we get cold weather next week and my phone chimes with a text message from my older brother. Which is odd. Cause he knows the situation and would never call late at night unless there was an issue.

I check the text. And I realize. In spite of the hype we've been experiencing since the 1970's, in spite of the billions and billions of dollars and millions of lines of code written, in spite of the decades that have passed, AI is still not ready for prime time.

There were 7 pictures... all of the most pathetic attempt to generate porn. It wasn't even interesting porn.
It looked like both people were asleep. The body parts were anatomically correct; however, the body part locations on the body was totally inaccurate.
No one had a farmer's tan, skin blemish or complete left arm.
And I suspect one of the individuals had a broken neck or is a direct relation to an owl. I've never known a person that could turn their head to look directly over their own back.
The guy looked like he was pregnant in one of the photos and neither person had any hair, anywhere but on top of their head.

Sad. Pitiful. Uninteresting. Boring. Repetitive.

Much like the results you get from search engines these days.

No I didn't download the pictures, I don't need that infection on my device.
Yes my brother is wasting valuable time in his life today disinfecting his electronic devices this morning.

And I still remember everyone worrying about computers and AI in the 70's and 80's and how it was going to take over and make life grand.
I'm still getting requests to go back and help companies with COBOL and I quit mainframe programming 22 years ago.

And of all the things to interrupt my once a day 'quiet time' with--- poorly implemented AI image manipulation porn.
