Happy Father's day everybody
After sleeping on it, I'm left with 4 options and I'd like to solicit everyone's feedback on this.
Option 1: replace the timing chain on an engine that has over 200,000 miles on it and hope nothing else fails internally
Pros: timing chain won't grenade and I avoid the hassle of a tow
Cons: more time and money spent on an old poorly maintained engine and risk throwing money down the drain if it spins a bearing
I realize it's a roll of the dice if I fix it. It could last me years or something else that was going to grenade anyways decides to grenade the next day
Option 2: go and get a junkyard 360 and refresh it
Pros: moderate improvement in power, it would force me to delete the lean burn, already out of the car so its easier to get to everything
Cons: requires new differential and drive shaft (which probably needs doing anyways) and I just ordered new springs for the current set up
Option 3: get a junkyard 318 and refresh it.
Pros: all parts swap over from current set up, cheaper than a 360, already out of the car so its easier to get to everything, I can try and be cheap and skate on the 7 1/4 differential
Cons: replacing a pig engine with a pig engine
Option 4: send it
Pros: cheap thrills, kick the can down the road until I feel like spending more time and money
Cons: potential breakdowns, which leaves options 2 and 3
Late 80s 360s are pricing between 500 and 800 on
Late 80s 318s are between 200 and 500
I'm not looking to make tons of power. I think I'm screwed every way, as I don't see a long term solution to avoid the time and money involved.