I saw that one as an option. Cool! Glad to know it fits fine.
I’ve driven my car just about everyday for the last 5 years. Only thing that’s given me an issue in that time was, installing my MSD blaster 2 coil horizontally on my intake manifold. They have to be vertical or the oil bath isn’t covering the coil inside the can and it will burn out.
That was my own doing no quality issue.
The Demon has been trouble free for 5 years. I actually don’t know anyone else who’s personally running one, but I hear and see plenty of posts about Holley, quickfuel and EdelBrock not working right new out of the box. That’s just an unfortunate fact of manufacturing now, new isn’t necessarily good or functional anymore.
metering rods and springs sit right on top for quick adjustments with dropping any fuel; even if you got open it up and re jet it, you can pull it off, open it up and have it back on the car and the car running in 20-30 min. There’s not much to them at all. I’d encourage anyone to get one if they’re doing a 4v swap.