Jack Meoff
Mopar Maniac
The questions about doing lean burn conversions correctly on our rides continually comes up.....so why not go to the experts
In this case...expert. Mr. Rick Ehrenberg from Mopar Action.
One of our loyal members NoCar340 was kind enough to scan the article from Mopar Action Magazine "Trash That Lean Burn"
And Mr. Ehrenberg has generously given me consent to post it here.
Guess no more folks....here's the real deal.
In this case...expert. Mr. Rick Ehrenberg from Mopar Action.
One of our loyal members NoCar340 was kind enough to scan the article from Mopar Action Magazine "Trash That Lean Burn"
And Mr. Ehrenberg has generously given me consent to post it here.
Guess no more folks....here's the real deal.
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