Well-Known Member
At this point I've replaced every piece of rubber fuel line, the sending unit, the fuel pump, fuel filter, re-routed the fuel line from the pump to the carb, repaired the steel vent line back to the tank, cleaned the idle/low speed jets, added a little extra shot to the accelerator pump, and double/triple checked the float level. I'm still having issues with the idle leaning out after a while and intermittent pinging in second gear. The A/F ratio when it pings is in the mid 12s:1. A couple of snaps of the throttle will correct the idle mixture sometimes but other times it will revert back to lean. I'm stumped at this point. I was hoping to have the issue diagnosed prior to putting the 4bbl on but at this point I think I need to replace the intake gasket just for piece of mind so I may as well do the swap. I've sprayed carb cleaner around everything on the outside with no vacuum leaks found.